Given that a lot of people are unhappy with the current paintings and how they fit (or don't fit) the game's art style or are distracting due to using famous real-world paintings, this asset is for replacing them. Given how many paintings there are, this will probably need to be a collaborative endeavour, with plenty of communication between TR and PT. This description will need some expansion, but making a start:
The Green Hounds are one of the lesser servants of Meridia. These fickle beings are only invoked to hunt down worthy prey and will attack their summoner if they deem their victim inadequate. When a Green Hound has accepted a target, they will stalk it relentlessly. Capably of shedding their solid form and reemerging from shadow and smoke, the Green Hound will only end their hunt when their target is dead or they have been sent back to Oblivion (and sometimes not even then, as other Daedric sources have confirmed).
This is a claim for a modest TR Imperial Navy questline. As Thorn is the headquarters of the East Navy, and the Padomaic Isles project will see a much heavier Navy focus, the TR Imperial Navy questline will focus on the Inner Sea Fleet (a subsidiary command of the East Navy) and its increasingly tenuous connection to high command in Black Marsh. This questline is built to take place across all of finished Morrowind, but could be implemented in stages as TR is gradually completed.
Netch ranch in eastern Coronati Basin. (8,-40 de_p) Owns 1 slave. This can be the new misc quest location for the farmers harassed by the spider caves since it's closer.
Raphalas' Dai-katana -- flaming ebony blade -- it got re-enchanted so that it's flames are not snuffed out anymore Nandor's Spear -- iron spear with similar colour to secretmaster repair hammer -- junk argonian made spear that will win the fight
Want to use both items for potential hooks for the Old Ebonheart Melee Tournament - Helseth will be looking for them too, the cheatin' scoundrel
Edits to Shotn spear -- made into a powerful relic called Spear of Shor's Blood (this is for shotn still unlike the items listed above)
Asset request for a forge that matches dwemer ruins, ideally with matching anvil.
Despite the dwarves prowess we don't actually have any assets or references for how a dwarf forge would look other than from Oblivions Battlehorn castle (which seems somewhat wrong) so other concepts are welcome.