Concept art for Redoran Hoom herders, their gear and distinct hats (modern and traditional variants) as well as common hoom wool clothing worn by people in the Velothi mountains and a few of their Redoran variations such as the fancy redoran winter boots. Probably low on the priority list seeing as Redoran territories are not up next. Art by Tammilisäke.
Edit. Added the Redoran pack hoom and hoom driver image, also the Hoom mittens
Kovan Davethi at the Andothren docks approaches you with a small job: deliver a package to Nolus Atrius, and tell him that it's from a friend in Balmora. Kovan will seemingly admit quite openly that it's a bribe for the magistrate, and that he just wants to use you as a go-between so he doesn't have to go to the manor district himself. He will give you a very small payment up-front, and say that you will get more after you've done the delivery.
Bosmer Trading Goods: A set of ingredients, weapons and misc items exported from Valenwood and sold on markets bordering Valenwood. Could also be used to give native Bosmer interiors in the Anvil and Skingrad ghettoes more character.
The First Pocket Guide to the Empire gives us the following inspirations: