Some fixes for ATMG dialogue. Bug entry here. The filtering error causing a loop in Dorash's dialogue in Q5 is fixed in this patch. The below lines are also edited. Most are simple punctuation fixes but a couple are more substantive, mainly to make some lines flow a bit better or to use active voice in place of passive voice in the journal entries.
I. Alchemical Chimera "The Alchemical Chimera guards the halls of their former Direnni masters ferociously.
They are formed when multiple alchemical larva coagulate, and have enough organic matter available to them to undergo spontaneous and rapid growth. Their individual heads now morphed into that of other animals.
Deleted him from Dunusi (since Nasinammu is probably where he is supposed to be, sharing a surname with another bandit), and created a new (very similar) outlaw archer to put in the same spot instead.