I think topic “running an errand” may hide standard “errand” topic making impossible to go on with http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Sharn_gra-Muzgob (link is external) without addtopic errand by console possible fix: addtopic errand in the same greeting introducing the “running an errand” topic e.g.
addtopic "running an errand" ; safety addtopic "errand" ; fix for main quest Journal "EB_Express" 10 Choice "I'll deliver it for you." 1 "I can't help you." 2
The sound “T_SndCrea_VelkScream” has been added to Sound Gen without a designated creature. As a result, the sound is treated as a default scream by the engine and is used frequently by other creatures, especially mod-added ones. Serious compatability issue.
The bugtracker is missing a category button where one could/would have to choose the context of the bug. It would be far easier to find issues related to certain things if there were one. Suggestions for categories: general/unspecific, scripting, meshes&placement, quest, OpenMW, CS IDs,…
By the way: we don’t „Create A Bug”, we state them, so the headline ought to be changed into „Report a Bug”
rot-edit: Same convention is used everywhere in OE, Mainland and vanilla – in fact I can’t find a single placement that does use a plate. Will just have to assume that the wicks stop before the bottom.
Script TR_m1_q_RR_MQ_FinalShowdown has possibly some critical bug, I needed to use console and type “enableplayermovement”, because script lacks this part and I couldn’t move after it ends.
It’s a script connected to Master Mithras questline.
tr_dres_bug_small_vo.nif bounding box should be smaller/resized.
tr_swampfly_vo.nif tends to disappear under the Bal Oyra fort floor, making impossible to kill it and finish the related quest (e.g. if paralyzed, this happens every time if a MCA guard is near) . Possible things I’d try is changing the Bounding Box to be more similar to the one used e.g. with CliffRacer.nif, covering the flying creature legs and a little below. and/or put some collision box under the fort floor
I have casted calm humanoid spell on Alfhed, but after talking to Rianele I’ve got journal entry that goes “I have killed Alfhed (...)”. I didn’t kill him, just calmed him with a spell. On the attached screenshot you can see both journal entry and healthy Alfhed.