
"The Secret Master" -- update for Narsis release

  • move the secret master's alembic from OE alchemist to Narsis master merchant Dravos Turil, edit the "n'wah peddler" topic and the related dialogue in "alchemical tools" topic
  • move the secret master's retort from Hasarund to some alchemist's dungeon in Narsis release (Jabba's palace?) or the next release featuring more Velothi Mountains area, replace the "profane enchantress" topic with a new one and edit the related dialogue in "alchemical tools" topic
  • edit Margia Sycora's response so she leads you to Dravos Turil and gives you her diary.

Found a bug in Kurhu

I'm playing a new character, on a fresh install of both Morrowind from steam, on OpenMW, using the latest Tamriel Rebuilt packs from Nexus mods (22.11) with the new hot fix.

I'm going through the mages guild quest line and went to Kuhru. Behind the locked door is a pile of crates. I opened one and there was a <depreceted> assert from a list of what I assume is a leveled loot list


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