
Topic "someone in particular" in Helnim: Areanne Vara talks about herself

The Helnim Guild of Mages NPCs have this line in the "someone in particular" topic: "Areanne Vara is the Guildmaster. Her residence us at the top of the tower. Besides her, all the important people in Mages Guild's Telvannis branch are in Firewatch.". This line is correctly filtered to exclude Areanne Vara.


Rowboat from Stendarr Tower Haunting (OE) needs to be replaced with cutter ship

One of the conclusions of the Stendarr Tower Haunting miscellaneous quest in Old Ebonheart has you convincing the coastguard to declare ash statues contraband and to increase patrols in the region. A camp with a rowboat then appears on an island in the Thirr delta to signify that the latter development took place.

Add another Tattara NPC

A lot of players complain in Discord that Tattara, the first NPC they meet in Andothren, is NoLore'ed so they can't talk to her about anything. To avoid that issue, we can add another Tattara NPC which isn't NoLore'ed and disables when you recruit her for the Thieves Guild. The original NPC should be moved to Bthuangthuv and enabled only after her recruitment.

UPD: apparently, Tattara already has two versions, so all that remains is to make a separate script without NoLore for a non-TG version.

AT TG minor issues

  • journal index 10 of TR_m3_TG_AT_Q5 quest should mention the "shipment of skooma" topic
  • TR_m3_TG_AT_Q6, index 130 is inconsistent with the dialogue: "Otherwise, I'll have to kill them." -> "Otherwise, I'll have to fight them."
  • Slaves in Hlan Oek stash, TR_m7_S_Janise and TR_m7_S_Qen-Verr, lack unique greetings which unlocks "go free" topic when you have the slave key TR_m7_HO_LabSlaveKey
  • Hlan Oek stash led

Fort Ancylis Axe replacement

During the quest "Revealing the History of Fort Ancylis the player finds an "Ancient Nordic Battle Axe" in the water, supposedly from the first empire of the nords, the axe uses the vanilla nordic axe mesh, and should perhaps use one of Tamriel_Data's ancient nordic axes, the ID of the asset in question is tr_w_m4_q_ancylisaxe

I also suggest the alternate title of "An Axe to Find" smiley


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