
Missing TR_MG_ExpelWorkOut in Helnim, Firewatch, Nivalis(?)

TR_MG_ExpelWorkOut (aptly named "PUT ONE OF ME IN EACH MG HALL!") needs to be put out of bounds in each MG hall. Currently, Helnim and Firewatch, and the MG Outpost in Nivalis, lack these. Actually, whether Nivalis should have one is probably debatable, but Firewatch and Helnim definitely should.



This is the claim used to make edits and fixes to TR_Mainland. Do not make changes arbitrarily.
We are switching to a Merge To Master pipeline, so edits to TR_Mainland will be made through this TR_Update.esp which is dependent on TR_Mainland.esm.

TR_Mainland should not break compatibility unless it is structurally necessary. This means do not change the IDs of anything that was released in a TR_Mainland.esm unless strictly necessary.

assorted dod release bugs

updating with reports from discord


andothren port authority is missing ownership

on tr_m3_oc_sewerguard_s his shortblade is deprecated

The beds in the Andothren fighters guild are defender rank which means you'll get expelled if you try to sleep in them. Should probably be changed to associate.


Standard Dialogue Bodrum

When I click on the dialogue for dialogue when talking to Ragok gro-Shob in Bodrum their greeting states: "We are proud Dunmer of the House Redoran, and we live a simple life, like our ancestors." While the NPC obviously isn't a Dunmer. I did a quick look around town and saw 2 other non-Dunmer npcs one of them only had one dialogue topic and the other's Bodrum response was fine.


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