
Typos in "Guars and Guards"

In Ralani Danoran's dialogue in "Guars and Guards" there are a few minor but noticeable typos in the same line:

1. Stylistic; use of "arse" instead of "ass" in TES's standard American English.

2. Grammatical; use of quotations for emphasis-- should simply read "...what I think of him!" or, as is sometimes done in vanilla dialogue "...what *I* think of *him!*"

Ralani had been disabled in the quest by the time I got around to writing this so I wasn't able to check her unique ID, sorry!

Caspering supports in the Guilds of Mages

When you ascend a staircase leading to Arquebald's floor in Old Ebonheart, Guild of Mages, there is a caspering support plank on one of the sides of the staircase. The same is true with the case of the Firewatch, Guild of Mages, where the casper happens on a staircase leading from the teleportation floor to the entrance hall with a Khajiit and the guardian.

Mette Black-Briar's notebook should lead into Orlukh questline

When Fort Ancylis is merged, it has a quest with no current resolution, the guidebook from the last quest should be turned into mette black-briar who suggests you check out this mine (the orlukh mine)

The other half of that is implemented in the Orlukh questline and should be tied together in the section file on orlukh merge

None of the NPCs in the Omaynis exterior has a home in the town

As the title says, none of the named NPCs in the exterior of Omaynis has a house in the town - not even a bed. For the caravaner and a few others, this is probably okay, but it really feels like an oversight in the planning to not make some of them resident in Omaynis. Instead, all house owners are at home in their house. I have partly resolved this issue by moving Podd and Ahakh gro-Bulg to the new inn when it is finished in the Hlaalu questline, but left Vaarhelish out to not make the inn overcrowded.

Tomaril Manor - Door Collision bug

I'm facing an issue with some sort of invisible wall when exiting "Tomaril Manor, Guard Tower: Upper levels" to the outdoor section of the manor. I cannot click on the barrier with the console, if there even is a barrier. Because of this, I cannot get any info about an ID. I have a hunch that it has to do with the collision with the door or the arch above the door, but since I know little about modding I could be incorrect. using tcl lets me get through it just fine.

New entries for "House Hlaalu" are misplaced

The new entries to the dialogue topic "House Hlaalu" have been misplaced in the dialogue list. They all appear above the unique entries that are filtered for Andothren, which causes the latter to never appear. While I understand this might partly be a file order issue, the general entries should anyway be put below the Same Faction one: "Yes, we both belong to House Hlaalu. Are you here to discuss business?". Placing them below the first two entries that are filtered for Balmora would resolve the issue with the Andothren dialogue.


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