
Mabit Grotto minor issues

ID: in_mud_rock_02
X: 5280.762
Y: 1605.427
Z: 17.759
Issue: The rock under the main loot pile is caspering just a little bit

ID: misc_imp_silverware_plate_01
X: 5579.279
Y: 2209.282
Z: -421.635
Issue: It and the nearby tankard are floating, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense
they should probably just be sunk to the bottom of the crate

ID: in_cave_plant10
X: 5626.348
Y: 2237.007
Z: -448.778
Issue: Bleeding through the crate the aforementioned silverware is in

Region Assignment Fixes

Changed -4,-14 Teyn from Ascadian Bluffs to Roth Roryn as it should be (likely broken by the Nuccius Quest merge)
Changed -14,-21 to Armun Ashlands to prevent the one cell region outcropping
Changed the rectangle from 33,-6 to 40,-9 from Mephalan Vales to Boethiah's Spine as this area matches the topography of current BS better, and will largely be handelled in the Telvannis redos rather than the Indoril redos. (left the section of MV near Ammar as is for now--it makes more sense to shuffle its region after we've redone the Vales)

Firewatch Northmarker Issues

Various Northmarker errors found in Firewatch interiors:

Firewatch, Gorinia's House
Firewatch, Sergius Antellius' House
Firewatch, Antoni Manor
Firewatch, Briricca Private Bank
Firewatch, Idra Uvalen's House
Firewatch, Theran Arlethi's House
Brazen Maiden: Cabin
Brazen Maiden: Lower Level
Silver Serpent: Cabin
Silver Serpent

Old Ebonheart Northmarker Errors

Northmarkers that need adjusting in OE, the ones I've found are:

Old Ebonheart, Biricca Private Bank
Old Ebonheart, Guild of Fighters
Old Ebonheart, Anjzhirra's Rare Goods
Old Ebonheart, The Moth and Tiger
Old Ebonheart, Narusya's Fine Potions
Old Ebonheart, Eurilon: Weaponsmith (also has various unowned ingots in the cellar/attic)
Pride of Narusa: Cabin
Pride of Narusa: Upper Deck (Lower deck may have to be adjusted too, following this fix)
Niben's Wind: Cabin
Niben's Wind: Hold
Ebon Tower, Palace: Treasure Chamber


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