Thirr Valley

TV_08 Velothi Tower

Cell: Thirr Valley -1, -31

A Velothi tower overlooking Veloth’s Path, currently home to members of the Free Scholar’s Guild/Kenassa Tong. .

Use: de_p, this  should have beds for use by travelling scholars and pilgrims, as well as some small living areas. Main dome could house a  library/study area, but dont add too many rare/exotic tomes, the scholars arent hostile like telvanni are so shouldnt have too much stuff fancy lying about.

TV_08 cave 02

Cell: Thirr Valley 0, -34

A mid-sized abandoned egg mine overrun by swamp trolls. Claimant could use water in this as its close to a pool, but shouldnt go overboard if they do.

Use: Mudcave and as this was a mine, so cavern beams. Include some bloatspoor, the new kwama husks and maybe some membranes, but as the trolls will have killed most of the kwama be conservative with the membranes and dont add many eggs or any cocoons. Mangroves roots (T_Mw_FloraTV_ManShroomRoot_) are good to add some extra local flair.

TV_08 tomb 01

Cell: Thirr Valley 0, -33

Raran ancestral tomb

A large tomb on Veloth’s Path.

Could have a shrine activator in the upper area, being on the great pilgrimage route this tomb should be pretty well maintained and have plenty of offerings. Use Hlaalu Ashpits instead of Velothi.

The Blue Pearl questline

Setting: Redoran lands, or part of the River Thirr conflict?

Note on characters: all these can be tweaked including gender swapping so as to fit the locale this questline is placed in, though Evil Advisor should probably remain female so the quest name "Sea Siren" makes sense. Many of these people are probably also Dunmer because, well, you know, it's Morrowind and dealing with one of the local lords.

Part One: Sea Food

Waters March Armor

Armor of the Redoran Waters March, which formerly covered the Othreleth Woods and Thirr Valley, but now only governs the Twin Fortresses of Ald Marak and Ald Iuval.

Essential armor for the Coronati Basin part of the Narsis release. Credit to Pickles for the art.

Dreugh man o'war

High level dreugh that can wield spears. Put in Dreugh citadels and in the inner sea/padomaic ocean:

Three creatures are commonly encountered in Vvardenfell's coastal and water environments. The mudcrab, and its larger cousins the king mudcrab and mudcrab titan, are large but unaggressive. Slaughterfish are small but very aggressive, and the larger varieties, the blind slaughterfish and the electric slaughterfish, are quite dangerous. But the most dangerous water creature is the large and powerful dreugh and the dreugh man o'war.


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