Small trade vessel. Use T_De_SetHarbor_I_ShipSmall_01. Owned by the Hlaalu Atran Oran. Holds food as tradegoods and a small amount of weapons/armour. Used in the HHul FG questline.
Please also create a wrecked version once you have made the normal version. Make these in seperate cells.
Adaves Relvenim, a retired Redoran warrior and Medium Armor Master Trainer living in Ald Marak, is willing to train the player in Medium Armor, but not for free. He’s been trying to persuade the Ald Iuval bonesmith Llareu Bethones to make him a special bonemold cuirass (named variant of the Redoran Master Cuirass that’s in T_Data, or whatever else works), however the smith has refused his offers so far because of previous conflicts. The player’s job is to convince Bethones to make the cuirass that Adaves wants.
Ostensibly a normal dunmer tradeship, but contains a secret skooma stash in the lower deck. Ship owned by the Camonna Tong. For use in this questline: Use de_p throughout. The ship is the normal 2 levelled de ship. The captain's cabin should not contain any illicit goods.
Shipwreck of a redoran tradeship carrying basic goods. Use de_p. Dreugh occupied. Should feature some dreugh spikes piercing through the lower deck (without blocking exploration), with a similar fly-trap pattern to the exterior.
Upper Medium - Large dreugh citadel that is home to a Dreugh King. The citadel should work downwards, splaying outwards into a rough spiral structure - it should make use of verticality while allowing a useable minimap.
Fixed IL members giving you the generic town response instead of the vanilla "you're in the legion" response when asked about Imperial Legion by an IL player.
Adjusted the "Forts" dialogue to account for the newly planned Fort Loopmoth near Andrethis that made the original dialogue inaccurate.