The Spear of Vivec; the weapon that pierced Nerevar's body during the foul Murder, and "Molag Bal's Falice that exploded Azura" during Vivec's Trial. The spear has been mentioned multiple times, especially in 36 Lessons of Vivec. The Gospel of St. Roris mentions the spear: "In the latter days of Dres' ascendancy, the monk Roris accompanied pilgrims from the city of Narsis, pedestal of Muatra to the outer fortress of lost Sotha Sil, the clockwork city of the Tinkerer."
As stated, I've tried to make daedric broadsword. I dunno if anyone would like this desing but uploading regarless (that's also why I'm not leaving it for the time when I finish daedric set rework - in case you don't want to use it).
The knife that is mentioned in the 36 Lesson's of Vivec. Knife used to sacrafice the Necromancer son of Vivec "City Face", and given to Nerevar by Vivec when Nerevar learned how to be at peace with himself, where he traded the knife with his war axe. The Dagger is meant for commcercing between two people, a symbol of respect, not fighting.
Dawnbreaker and Corrupted Dawnbreaker custom weapons by PikachunoTM
These assets are free to use and modify.
Bugfix 1.0: -Fixed some minor UV issues -Fixed the buggy BoundingBox that would insta-crash the CS for being set up improperly (can never trust that blasted copy-paste) -Fixed some mesh issues with the sheaths and with Corrupt Dawnbreaker.
Remodeled adamantium set, it was looking quite outdated (you can compare them thanks to screenshots). Some meshes were pretty bad kitbash or just retexture.
Created two new assets, adamantium arrow and adamantium bolt.
Replaces the Static Water that is currently in TR with a new texture and rearranged the texture path on the meshes so that it points to the new texture and not the vanilla texture.