Closed (Merged)

Asset Edits Nov 2019

- Neldrac's Reach texture + icon -> Made it look more unique outside of the general Dwemer brass looking texture -> Made HD texture
- Iron Ore texture [Credit to Worsas]
- Change Ice_Mtpeak_01/02/03 to Glb ID's (was Mw before)
- Faceless Ordinator Helm AR increased from 45 to 70


Bat Creature

A functional bat model by Mr Siika

I've uploaded a package containing bat nifs, texture and sounds. Along with an esp containing the bat creature that has been exported from Mage Robes by Melchoir Dahrk.

Someone with more experience with creatures (I have none) will have to name these files and set it up as a T_D Creature. 

A Feathery Problem

People in some town have been gossiping about the flock of cliffracers that have taken up residence on their roofs, despite the town not being in the Ashlands.
The player investigates and finds out that for some reason (claimer's discretion), a mage turned all the feather pillows in his room into cliff racers.


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