New water lilies using Remiros' models. They do not replace the old water lilies, they are instead new meshes in the o\ folder, with more suitable naming conventions. The meshes have been GH-ified and added to the CS as organic containers, with appropriate ingredient level lists. Each colour variation has its own water lily bulb ingredient, with alchemy properties based off vanilla riparian flora.
Slow than most waterfalls, and the molten upper crust moves even slower. Should probably be used on an angle. Lava script is attached, and Stripes' has added an avoid node to the mesh itself.
- Applied paralysis enchantment to Silver Spear of Paralysis (didn't have an enchantment) - Improved placement of Swiftcut Saber in the players hand, and merged some of the TriShapes (mesh improvement) - Improved Citrine texture and icon - Improved Topaz texture, mesh, and icon - Added Garnet (also applied to T level lists) - Added Arvisrend (more powerful version of chillrend; an easter egg to our favourite quest reviewer) - Added a Level Creature spawn for Juvenile Riverstrider
Significant and necessary fix for all 32 key meshes currently used in Tamriel_Data. All keys had their collisions and redundant NiNodes removed, as well as their materials and TriShapes merged. Some models had some broken normals which have been fixed. Key 22 and 23 had faulty and unnecessary bounding boxes which have been removed, since they led to crashes. Some keys with alphas had their alpha flags adjusted for improved performance and visuals.