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NPC "TR_m4_Geles Todros" greets me with his sword

You should not trust my memory any more than you trust a shady Camonna Tong escort, but I believe he used to initiate an escort quest which led you to a fight somewhere. But currently, as soon as I talk to him the first time, he greets me with the line "I don't know where you're taking us, but this ends here. We shouldn't have trusted you!" [Greeting 1], and attacks me. If you look at the dialogue conditions in the attached screenshot, you might notice that there are only two conditions, taking up slots 2 and 4.

Needs to account for abot's travels

The existing TR_Travels plugin was made without taking preexisting travel extensions into account.

While most of them will need patches later on, abot's travels does try to fill essentially the same role TR_Travels wants to and needs to be compared and, where and when possible, kept in mind when creating/reworking travel links for TR1512.

Give Dram Badryon his inventory

Almas Thirr, Dram Badryon: Trader: TR_M3_Dram Badryon has a lot of items in his ownership that  he cannot sell. Probably not a bug though it is a little strange that a merchant has all of these nice items yet can't sell them to you. I know Almas Thirr's not finished yet but he seems pretty much ready to sell things. He just needs to have his inventory added to his sell list.


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