
[HR427] Bayard Urban Set

Claim for the Bayard (western/Iliac Breton) urban architecture set. This set should include both poor (thatch-roofed) and middle/upper class (shingle-roofed) buildings.

Main inspiration for this set is classic western European medieval half-timbered architecture. This set will be used throughout the Western Rock, but notably in Daggerfall, Camlorn, Glenpoint, Anticlere, and Dwynnen.

Concept art images generated by Tani in MJ

[HR427] Boullard Urban Set

Claim for the Boullard (river Breton) urban architecture set. This set should include both poor (thatch-roofed) and middle/upper class (shingle-roofed) buildings.

Main inspirations for this set are Ukrainian and Dutch baroque architecture. This set will be used in towns all along the Bjoulsae, but this is mainly a Wayrest set, since Wayrest is larger than all the other settlements of the Boulland combined.

Concept art images generated by Tani in MJ

[PI] Ithalin

Ithalin or the "Alit of the Sea" are medium sized carnivorous reptilian predators of the Padomaic Ocean, most commonly a pest around the eastern coast of Morrowind. 

Art by 

Uncanny Gemstar#6240


[PI] Daedric Artifacts for Cathnoquey

Need some texture adjustments 

- Fearstruck (Boethiah) - Anachronisle intervention reward

- Blood King's Axe (Mehrune's Dagon) - Daedric ruin 4 corners trial reward

Need UV edits

- Azura's Moon (Azura) - Good Daedra quest

- Axe of the Snake Prince (Formerly Axe of Boethiah in TR) - (Boethiah) - Good Daedra quest

Need new textures and UV edits

- Cane of the Mad Star (Sheogorath) Deadric ruin 4 corners trial reward

De_FurnR (rich) version of the poor dunmer (De_FurnP) potters wheel

Rich wood version of the Dunmer potter's wheel already in Data (T_De_FurnP_PottersWheel_01). Required for more wealthy pottery places. Should fit the rest of the rich Dunmer furniture set.

Screenshot for reference, poor potter's wheel next to some rich furniture.


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