Iliath questline. Background on Iliath: Iliath used to be an Azuran shrine and an ebony mine (these facts may be related, seeing as how ebony = Lorkhan godsblood). The Temple later made it into an Ordinator training ground. Ashlanders and the Temple skirmished over the site off and on during the Interregnum, and the ebony mine was eventually exhausted around this time as well. By the current era, the place has fallen into disuse and since attracted a group of Sotha Sil priests who enjoy the solitude of the area.
The player is sent to investigate an Ashlander camp by Arvud rumors due to caravan attacks or something. The inhabitants will turn out to be vampires who offer quests to Baluath players. The quest can be completed by just killing them and reporting back, or they can be left alive.
This would take place on a road out in the wildness... You find a camp of Temple priests transporting a bunch of dead bodies from some battle or farflung temple or another--they're bringing them to Necrom and/or an ancestor shrine to be interred properly. However, the camp has been hounded by nix-hounds, which have been attracted by the scent of death. The priests are worried and want you to kill the pack for a reward.
Velothi tower near a road. Belongs to a Baladas Demnavi-type of person. Not a dangerous place. Could have some low level guardians in place like scamps. Sells enchants to the nearby redoran too