
Shipal Shin 04

Claim marked SH_04 on the attached map.
Planned points of interest:
Border post (not a fort, a motel) for travel to Black Marsh
Ayleid ruin (small) on top of the mountains right next to the border post
General additions wherever there is a good place: 
Tanna plantation
Netch ranch
Kwama mine
Ancestral tomb (sparingly)

Doors self-unlock on the other side

Some doors are locked on both sides. It doesn't happen often but it breaks immersion. Is it worth including a version of those doors scripted to unlock itself when the player enters a cell next to it, at least for the door types that could already use it?

Two examples

Ex_MH_sewer_trapdoor_01    Khalaan, Rivaal Manor    3735    4941    15359
In_DB_door01    Khalaan, Rivaal Manor    4215    4175    15430

In_DB_door01    Khalaan, Sewers    -5259    -924    14329

Archaeological Maps

“ Any maps you can think of, really. Maps of this area, maps of that area. Historical maps speculating on the size and extent of old Resdayn. Maps of archeological sites (mostly Dwemer ruins) which could also serve as treasure maps (like those in Skyrim) “

map of first-era skyrim conquests is already included in Old Ebonheart’s Imperial Archaeological Society, top floor.

tr_rr_scrub_01 replacer

Texture for Roth-Roryn that replaces the super detailed grass with the mushrooms (makes the texture look too busy, when Morrowind doesn't do that, clashes with the art style). This fits with the west gash textures that were left behind as well as blends in with the surrounding dirt and rock textures, and looks nice on cliffs.


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