In "spiced potatoes" topic, I was told by Revas Baldaren, that I could buy some spiced potatoes from Audania Ranius. She doesn't sell any, and doesn't even have a topic about it.
In Maesabun, Elu Burial, there's a mummy that's partially inside the rock. Only some limb stick outside of it. If it was meant to be "crushed by that rock", then it doesn't look that way.
Object is container called "mummy_05", and there's only one instance of it in that cell.
In exterior cell, Sundered Scar Region 21, -19, there is a rock that partially floats. Giving the exact coordinates. I'm giving the exact coordinates, but to describe the position, it's located in the south-western corner of the cell.
When doing the quest Awfully-Swift-Skink Breaks Free when you ask him to go back he refuses. If you then try to use a command humanoid spell to bring him to Malvys Nethrelas Malvys will not acknowledge Skink and ask you to kill him as if he wasn't there.
For this quest, the quest giver specifies Where-Stars-Are-Drowning was last seen east of Velonith, but the Journal says it was west of Velonith. East is the correct direction.
I've freed a slave Yellow-Scales in Aimrah Inn. Even after freeing him, he still gives me a greeting about "needing a key from Dilvene Gilmanil to go free".