

TR_Mainland.esm    ex_velothi_loaddoor_01    Almas Thirr, Plaza    3906    5101    11451    "check door mesh position"

TR_Mainland.esm    T_De_SetVeloth_X_LighthouseT_01    Almas Thirr (6,-28)    56600    -222453    1477    "fixposition"

note: there are more T_De_SetVeloth_X_LighthouseT_01 static positions wrong, use the right clik/info in the construction set and check all the references

[EDIT] more position problems

"Stendarr Tower Haunting" quest - journal entry issues

1. I've started the quest with entry index 15. This gives me a very abrupt start of the quest, because then the journal don't say much about the quest (and Stendarr Tower itself isn't mentioned in that entry). The reason why I didn't get the initial entry (index 10), was because I talked to Votus Tilonian about Tarhiel, but didn't finish the Tarhiel quest.

1. The initial journal entry (index: 10), looks like this:

Votus Titonian told me about a ghost that is currently haunting Stendarr Tower. I've agreed to try to exorcise it.

Boethiah's Walking Stick floating below the floor in Oran Manor servant's quarters

There's a copy of Boethiah's Walking Stick, a unique item from vanilla, floating under the floor in the cell Oran Plantation, Oran Manor: Servant's Quarters. It's close enough to the interior space that it's visible on the minimap with Thief's Moral Compass equipped.

"Where is the Horse Gone?" quest issues

  1. [Suggestion] When Unesa Sadrathi points me to the Ashlanders who took the horse, she mentions Dondril - I believe it should either be marked on the map, or a "Dondril" topic be added.
  2. [Bug] When Hormidac Faralie attacks Unesa, but I cast the calm spell on him, he believes Unesa to be dead, despite not killing her.


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