
No Good Deed Loose Thread

In the quest No Good Deed, if you free both the slaves, wait three days, and then go talk to the quest giver, you can turn both the slaves in dispite them being long gone. Either the Khajiit needs to be able to attack you if you use the wait function instead of sleeping, or the quest giver needs additional scripting to realize they're gone before you get attacked.

Roth Roryn floater rock outside andothren

[19:53:55.429 W] RefNum: 788092
[19:53:55.429 W] RefID: t_mw_terrrockrr_rock_26
[19:53:55.429 W] Memory address: 000002161C0B4A50
[19:53:55.429 W] Cell: Roth Roryn Region
[19:53:55.429 W] Grid: -2 -17
[19:53:55.429 W] Coordinates: -11683.4 -135690 1000.89
[19:53:55.429 W] Model: meshes\tr\x\tr_terr_rock_rr_26.nif

Bed rental lies

Brelyn Dreloth, owner of "The Note in your Eye" in Tel Muthada greets the player with the message "We rent beds. I have some goods for barter. What do you want?" and when you click on "beds", he then responds "We don't have any beds available here. Sorry." This reponse makes no sense after he just told me he rents beds!


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