
Add back the TempleMarker at Vos that TR_Travels used to place there

TR_Travels placed a TempleMarker at Vos to prevent the player from shooting off to Ranyon-Ruhn from northeastern Vvardenfell
Of course TR_Travels got deprecated and its TempleMarker disappeared with it, so currently the player will end up in the middle of Map1 when using ALMSIVI Intervention in that part of Vvardenfell
Which is far more intrusive to the base game than adding a marker to Vvardenfell is, IMO

The last couple of times that it came up on Discord people seemed to be in agreement about adding it back, but so far it hasn't happened yet

Aanthirin and Andaram minor placements and crashes

In the quest "The Ring of Lifebloom" received in AT's Fighter's Guild, part of the Sarvayn Ancestral Tomb's entrance is bleeding with the terrain.

There's a minor spelling mistake in Morag Tong quests, when you accept the writ for Nalvos Omayn, the questgiver says "Go with Mehpala" at the end of the topic.

The Hlan Oek's Guard Tower South is missing a wall on the way to the lowest floor, beside the stairs.

Delmus Dalis found in the Hlan Oek's docks causes the game to crash if you talk to him about the topic "destination".


Error during Hlan Oek's House Hlaalu questline

After returning from the first quest the governor Feldril Sathis sends you in and talking to him about the topic "sealed letter to S'Vosh", this error occurs:

Expression Error Unable to find faction "5" in script TR_m7_NPC_Feldril_Sathis.

And then another error:

==>CompileAndRun Init problem was found in Topic "sealed letter to S'Vosh" "S'@Vos#h has received my @orders#? @Good#. Thank you, %PCRank. Let's @talk# about some more @business#."

It's impossible to complete the quest and continue the questline because of it.

A couple of smaller Almas Thirr issues

  • The enchanter Naro Marvani is selling some clutter, like quills and papers, that he probably isn't supposed to be selling.
  • Andor Orothi is defaulting to the vanilla responses for the Ordinators topic, because he's T_Local_NoLore and for some bizarre reason, the vanilla responses are not filtered to not apply to regular NoLore NPCs.

Clutter needs to be updated in locations where Hlaalu Guards wear the River Watch set

As title says. The following list was created by Mark (original Discord post here: https://discord.com/channels/132891272666021888/338792207827992577/11178...). NPC guard placements were/will be fixed in separate ESPs.

Spoiler: Highlight to view

List of places that need updating with river watch armor


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