
Hlan Oek slave market basement wall gap

There is a gap between a doorframe and the room of one of the slave cells in Hlan Oek slave market basement.

Additionally, it's probably worth placing a guard here. Since otherwise, the player is alone with the slave whom they may free with no impediment.

Bonus suggestion: would it be feasible to make all of the slaves in the building purchasable? Like the Mudrethi plantation. 

Feladir shouldn't be a member of the thieves guild in "Find the Helnim Gang".

In the quest "Find the Helnim Gang", you can interrogate Feladir in his prison cell. He says he's a member of the thieves guild, when in fact he's a member of the Helnim gang and you're here to get the gang to join the thieves guild.

Edit: To clarify, he says "I'm in the guild" if you ask him his background. This may be a dialog line added by another mod for members of the thieves guild, but nevertheless he shouldn't be a member of the thieves guild.


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