When speaking to Stands-in-Sun in the FireWatch mages guild and using the topic "common disease"
I get a log spam of
Script TR_m1_NPC_MG_SoulSwipe_scr Syntax Error Line 1. Could not find variable "control". Script TR_m1_NPC_MG_SoulSwipe_scr Syntax Error Line 1. Could not find variable "control". Script TR_m1_NPC_MG_SoulSwipe_scr Syntax Error Line 1.
This causes a CTD. The linked topics are affected.
In Cursing Like a Witch, Rathys Madalvel does not have the dialogue topic "someone important." Addtopic does not add the topic when successfully inputted in console. On OpenMW 0.48 on Android.
Now that we have Nibenese robes merged in Tamriel Data, we should add them to the Nibenese pilgrim in Old Ebonheart and also to the necromancer in town.
The guy on the left (Varvur Rethil) is supposed to be the son of the guy on the right (Vothus Rethil). I see the family resemblance, but not the age gap. The son even explicitly calls his dad old and talks about the generational difference.
The two leveled lists T_Mw_Random_ArmorsPldrLImperial and T_Mw_Random_ArmorsPldrRImperial (used about 100 times each in Mainland, although 50 of those are just the same NPC) can pick from three different kinds of pauldron each (vanilla imperial steel and chain, as well as data studded leather). This creates wildly mismatched outfits that don't fit with what's supposed to be uniform looking generic NPCs. In the rare cases where this effect is intentional it should just be done manually.