
Changes needed in Firewatch Imperial Legion questline

From Abby:

"I've realized by watching a streamer playing through Firewatch IL that it's rather easy to miss the good guy rewards for FW IL"

"It's pretty absurd, by the streamer's estimate, that you can fail all of Vycius' drug quests and still get trusted with all of Thromil's quests" (not something to stress about, FW legionnaires are incompetent in general, why would the player have any higher expectations put upon them)

Hyperbolic Tesselation - %PCName missing from dialogue

Issue occurs during the quest https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Tamriel_Rebuilt:Hyperbolic_Tesselation in dialogue with Nelos Llothri where you have to convince him to rejoin the Mages Guild. If you choose the option "I see no reason why you could not still serve the Temple while working with Ethalvora in Andothren." and you succesfully convince Nelos, there's a %PCName variable missing from the sentence "I suppose you speak wisdom, ".


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