Although Tel Narrusa was transformed into Tel Gilan, the Telvanni Brown Book of 3E 426 still cites Darythi as the Mage Lord of the Tower of Tel Narrusa, Helnim.
When using the swindling dark elves topic and convincing Dolyn Volor, Drathas Llothin, Ienasa Llothil and Onvos Dovyn, the topic disappears and you receive no quest item.
The dining room in "Bodrum, Ramaran Manor" has hanging baskets with plants in them. The baskets can be picked up, leaving the static plants floating. I suggest replacing the baskets with furn_de_shack_basket_02.
Reported by Thal-J on Discord, but pretty self explanatory; Elendad is in the shape of a Nazi swastika, right down to the 45 degree rotation. Map of release version attached, and a screenshot + link to ESP of a hack job to break up the shape. Nothing complicated, just deleting statics, capping the holes, and fixing the pathgrid (thanks for the reminder, Tani!). Made from the release version of the mainland ESM.