In the quest "Extrajudicial Punishment", there seems to be a missing trigger. "TR_m3_q_EP_sack" is supposed to be placed somewhere on a boat in Roa Dyr, and on opening it will activate another step in the quest (I think, but I could be wrong. First time reading CS scripts) But there only seems to be one instance of this object in a totally random location. Hope this isn't just me being an idiot! Thanks!
I came across this issue while making the facelift for the Bosmora MG relay. The TR version of the Mages Guild supply chest has a script which gives the following message to non-members of the Guild when opened:
The Bosmora "Mages Guild relay" is very lame, just a single NPC standing in a weird empty room full of crates above the Bosmora Marketplace. I felt like the lonely mage there deserved a more hospitable setup, so I made one. The files can be found here.