
Sounds fail to play in Ilvi Ancestral Tomb

Inside the "Ilvi Ancestral Tomb" cell (Depths and Urn Chamber not affected), sounds other than background music and tomb whispers do not play. My openmw.log shows:

[18:55:45.408 I] Loading cell Ilvi Ancestral Tomb

[18:55:46.104 V] Fallback locale: en

[18:55:46.104 V] Language file "l10n/Navigation/en.yaml" is enabled

[18:55:47.943 I] Playing music/explore/mx_explore_2.mp3

[18:55:47.982 E] AL error Unknown Internal Error (-1) @ playSound3D:1182

[18:55:47.990 E] AL error Unknown Internal Error (-1) @ playSound3D:1182

Delivery to Ilvi Mine directions

The Delivery to Ilvi Mine directions are misleading. They tell you to take the road "east out of Dondril, towards Almalexia". But Almalexia is signposted along the south road out of Dondril. The directions should be something like "east out of Dondril, towards Darvonis. After leaving Dondril, follow the signs towards Almalexia..."

This applies to both the NPC dialogue and the journal entry.

Wicked Water Woes quest stuck and buggy after Obainat Nerevarine

I started the Wicked Water Woes quest after becoming the Obainat Nerevarine. Talking about "herbs and hides", I was directed to a gulakhan. So far so good, the dialog doesn't state explicitly who the gulakhan is. (Missing topic here, by the way, I should be able to ask who that gulakhan is)

However, here things get buggy. Since I took Asha-tara's side in the Nerevarine quest, Massur-Dan is dead, and apparently, Massur-Dan was the only NPC who could talk about the "herbs and hides" topic anymore.

Massur-Dan says incorrect greeting when calmed during challenge

During quest for Obainat Nerevarine, Massur-Dan is challenging the player. After calming him down with a spell and talking to him, he says ''Massur-Dan has called the challenge. You must answer." like everyone else. I think he should say something more combat oriented... Or the quest should take a different turn from here.


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