This esp is essentially an expansion on the 2 Aimrah bounties added in the TR_LakeAndaramNorth section file. It adds 4 new bounties to the hetmen around Roa Dyr, bringing the total to 6. Specifically the hetmen of Aimrah, Felms Ithul, Dondril, and Vhul. As such, this esp REQUIRES TR_Mainland, TR_IndorilThirr, and TR_LakeAndaramNorth to work properly.
Skeletal Hand that can be picked up and added to the Player's inventory. This is an icon and a esp that adds it to the CS/game. No model is included as there is one in T_Data already that was used in the esp and to make the icon. This was a request for one of the Khalaan quests.
These are the Velothi Containers (tapestry Urn, tomb chest and tomb lockbox) That have levellist items inside them, as so far only empty versions are merged. These are used in the Sadras Tomb claim found here: