Newspaper for Narsis & Hlaalu lands, based on the same framework as the Ebonheart Bellman. The purpose of this claim is to collect entries for the newspaper from anyone willing to write them.
A book warning Tribunal worshippers of the pitfalls of belief- expressed through comparisons to the House of Troubles, followed by further comparisons between traps of overzealous worship and individual aspects of Sheogorath, which also inadvertently foreshadows the eventual downfall of each member of the Tribunal.
New ground-level flowering plants to fill the innumerable gardens of Almalexia and the chapels and estates of the Orethan Heartlands.
Must fit in with the existing Tribunal flora. The region should have predominantly yellow and pink hues (aside from the dominant green of the leafs) but for small flowering plants, you can have more variety.
(Some of) four species are wanted so far (corresponding to the attached images):
White Meadowsweet
Lover's Rafflesia
Flowers reminiscent of the vanilla Old Mournhold fresco art
Reworked from the previous claim "Parables Concerning Purposes," this book is the first story rewritten (Very loosely) to a length where it more or less already fills an entire in-game book. Very rough draft.