Theilul is an Argonian beverage (a dark rum) distilled from sugarcane grown on Black Marsh's plantations which was mentioned in Greg Keyes' novels and later ESO. It is mentioned that, as crops tend to rot during transport due to Black Marsh's climate, the trade in Theilul is more profitable than the regional sugar trade itself.
Kamal race for use in the Bal Foyen caverns beneath Andothren (as ghosts), in PI's northern and eastern regions, and potentially further afield (like Nohept dir-Kamal).
Concept art by Dharma, heavenlee, Tammilisäke, Tammilisäke, and unknown (respectively)
The Redoran Master pieces currently in data do not match the asthetics of vanillas helm and frankly arent very good on their own, this asset is for a redesign of those pieces and finishing the set with boots, greaves and gauntlets. High priority, the lord of Bodrum would be a candidate to use this in DoD and come TV it certainly will be essential for the Lords of the twin fortresses. Redesign art by Pickles
Redoran "Elite" Armor, for the most skilled warriors of the house Priority low, the high level warriors who use this set are in the main Redoran releases which are far down the line. Art by pickles and bethesda