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Many floaters in Aanthrim

Aantrim Region 10, -20


Floaters include: 

flora_bush_01 (x 90479.44 y -158390.80 z 1482.32)

2x T_Mw_FloraAT_SpartiumBealei_03 (x 90585.95 y -158486.56 z 1414.04) Other one is next to it

Terrain_rocks_AI_01 (x 91454.30 y -159040.70 z 1466.34) 

T_Mw_Flora_TempleDome01 (x 91614.87 y -160375.22 z 1503.24)

T_MW_FloraAT_SpartiumBealei_03, T_MW_FloraAT_SpartiumBealei_02, T_MW_FloraAT_SpartiumBealei_01, flora_be_grass_02 (relative for all of these x 92249.74 y -159970.41 z 1423.80) 

Load Doors With No Collision in Unusual Shipwreck

In the interior "Unusual Shipwreck" near Omaynis, there are dark planes that are intended to function as load doors where the player "crawls through" the space into the other side of the ship; unfortunately, these planes lack collision meaning the player can walk through into uncluttered and unused portions of the int shell(s).


Rith-Ilviryon Ancestral Tomb not connected

Ran into this while fixing dialogue (TR_m4_sashnakh_gra-lash was casting a nonexistent spell that I replaced) but currently the quest Find a Lost Comrade in Rith-Ilviryon (TR_m4_wil_RithIlviryonLost) cannot be started due to the fact that aforementioned NPC isn't placed and the tomb you're supposed to go into isn't linked.

I presume this is intentional as the tomb is humongous. But still. It's in the files, and we ought to do something with it.


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