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Player stuck inside mesh when exiting Tomaril Manor, Guard Tower: Upper Levels

The door leading from Tomaril Manor, Guard Tower: Upper Levels to the exterior plops the player inside some collision mesh where you can't move any further, without turning clip off. (I remember there used to be a similar issue with the Telvanni Council house in Port Telvannis.)

"join House Telvanni" permanent dialogue loop if already member

Description of bug: In Port Telvannis, in the Telvanni Council House Chambers, it appears that any NPC you speak to about "join House Telvanni" will tell you "You have already joined House Telvanni. Your decision is not reversible."

However, it then gives the response options as though you were joining: either 1) "Yes, I'll pay", or 2) "nevermind". Clicking either will repeat the dialogue infinitely.

Severity: It doesn't crash the game per se, but does require loading an earlier save to continue, meaning progress loss can occur.

Error in T_ScGlobal_LoopTR

This script incorrectly assigns the chunk of land between y=31 and y=34 within map 7 as map 3 instead of taking this out of map 6. It's already a problem for Nav Andaram and Aimrah, though I'm not sure if any dialogue there is actually affected.

The changes that should be made are in bold brackets.

Minor Visual Glitches on Modular Hlaalu pieces. (TD_Addon)

A few models found in TD_Addon in the modular Hlaalu exterior set have the same issue; the corner edging it appears like two different faces are overlapping causing texture glitches.

T_De_SetHla_X_M_L_Indnt_Alc_CL (tr/x/tr_ex_HM_L_Idt_Alc_CL.nif)

T_De_SetHla_X_M_L_Indnt_Ent_CL (tr/x/tr_ex_HM_L_Idt_Ent_CL.nif)

T_De_SetHla_X_M_L_Indnt_Ent_CR (tr/x/tr_ex_HM_L_Idt_Ent_CR.nif)

Are the three I've seen it on so far. If I find more I shall post them below.

Picture shows one of the pieces but it's pretty much the same visual glitch in all three.

"What happened in Emmurbalpitu": Quest stuck

I was doing the quest "What happened in Emmurbalpitu", and had set a mark in the shrine in front of Aizuhr-Suur so I didn't have to walk all the way back. When I recalled, the ghosts were already all lined up and Llorissa Faali was in the shrine. When I talk to her, she tells me "I'll see you in Emmurbalpitu. You have my word that I will be there." but just stands still. When I talk to Aizuhr-Suur, she says "Let's see what this foolish mortal has to say." Did I brek the quest by recalling in?


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