Since the TR notes are based on the vanilla paper model, they have the duplicate, small plane underneath them. This is visible if the player can see the backside of the note (such as when using mods like Perfect Placement). Some of the notes are using alpha blending but should be using alpha testing instead for performance and to reduce conflicts with nearby alpha-enabled meshes.
I don't know what this is supposed to be so I don't know what the issue is, just that there has to be issues. It has a "dwemer" cover (did TR have old books with these covers that were removed?) but it's not a dwemer book, the text is weird, the file name says it's supposed to be unique but it's not (there's a new one in the OE MG quest) and for some reason it's in Hlaalu and Dres lists.
old forum review page "we'll have to replace the text by something Dwemer, and use the rewritten text in a different book"
Dral who's supposed not to be there in the future and is already disabled during hortator by the factions plugin. "Dral's library" is actually a pretty interesting idea for a reimplementation of this part of the quest in a world Dra left centuries ago, but better not involve the character directly in new quests. Also for this quest in the meantime either a different wizard or a workaround when he's disabled would be nice.
The Punavit Jar Lid is placed on the jar as a separate model, but when you pick up the Jar the lid is still flying there. Also placing the lid out of the inventory on a surface makes it float.
Possible solution: Add 1 model for Jar+lid so it can be place correctly. Also remove the weird off-center thing going on at the lid model.
Almsivi and Divine Intervention are extremely unreliable and unexplained across most of the mainland, with casting intervention just about anywhere outside of the OE-Almas Thirr area bringing you across Morrowind to Salien, including casting either Intervention spell in Mournhold, which in vanilla brings you to the Imperial Cult in the Palace for Divine and the High Fane for Almsivi.
"independant" should be "independent" Also "find hovel" is not a phrase I've ever heard before. A hovel is usually used to describe a wretched hole or shack where an extremely poor rural person might live. Finding a hovel could be what the author meant, but that also seems like really poor hospitality to offer a traveler.
Why edit: Note, this is a Tamriel_Data object. The ID is T_Bk_MapsM3-2TR
MinerMan60101Today at 12:02 AM Also that bookart should say "To Andothren" with an arrow pointing northwest
A lot of the regions added for TR in Tamriel_Data are missing region sounds. Most of these regions have not yet been released, but the following regions are in the latest TR_Mainland yet lack sounds and/or sleep creatures:
So the interiors of Zanammu could use some work. There's several places where it's difficult for a player to get through because the ground is at a slope and the entryway near these slopes is too low. so the character can't easily get through because they're too tall.
Problem one: When you get sent to the Dwemer ruin to find constantins axe and then go back you get told if there isnt something that would identifie who L is. Problem is that you now need to go back a second time to get the dagger. Isnt there a way to fix that?
Problem two: You get no journal entry for finding the scroll of Karaman.
Problem three: Could the journal please also say that you need to look for a scroll?