This is the location of a Firewatch Fighter's Guild quest which is protector rank locked (TR_m1_FG_Mandaran). Most of the hostile NPCs within are level 1-5 with little if any gear. The actual target of the quest is level 14, but using auto-calculated stats so he's a pushover too. Weirdly the target of the quest also has dreugh armor and the savior's hide pauldrons, despite how unthreatening the stronghold is.
Please make sure Geloise Marard has a reasonably high disposition for the player during and after the charade. A "you are repulsive, go away" greeting kind-of breaks immersion here. TR_m4_geloise marard00000000 Teyn, Geloise Marard's House 64 -96 -252 "She should have a higher disposition to me to avoid some bad greetings when/after she is playing my betrothed"
When TR_ScopeCreep is merged, the third Micarya's quest should be relocated from Nunalabbi to Sirrilash. Auctinius should be jailed, and the part with fetching his claymore should be replaced with the requirement to kill the necromancer, either alone before freeing him or together with him after he's freed.
The Mw chapel windows were accidentally added with the wrong ID so they ended up overwriting the pc ones This has since been corrected ( but it does mean that the windows used in the Grand Chapel of Akatosh need to be swapped out to account for the new IDs
During quest for Old Ebonheart Fighters Guild with healing Foenus Locutius, when force feeding him the cure he says: "What kind of vile liquid is this? I am being forced_from_this mortal's body!"
In the topic "Tel Oren", Nethan Marys (TR_m1_T_Nethan_Maryis, Mistress Faruna's mouth in Port Telvannis) has slightly outdated instructions. Namely, it still refers to Tel Oren being on the tip of a peninsula, as it was in the original Telvannis. However, since this line was written, EoE has now moved Tel Oren onto an archipelago.
In fact all the directions should be tested for correctness as a whole, as EoE rework may have rendered them faulty in other ways.