
Stronghold Corridor Variants

The in_strong_corr#_0# is missing these two pieces: three corner pillars and two corner pillars on oppisite sides. If these new assets had vanilla names they would be in_strong_corr4_05 and 06. These don't need strongruin variants. The vanilla meshes to base this off of are i/in_strong_corr4_01-04.nif.

Flesh Flies (black marsh/deshaan)

Swarm of flies that orignate from black marsh that have spread into the bottom parts of the deshaan, salt washes and mudflats.

Could be the same anim as photodragons, but different mesh and texture. So cannot be killed.
Has a script that allows it to cycle movement on an X and Y axis. If player comes into contact, starts draining health like lava does. Have SFX associated with the activator (flies sound).


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