
Just Like Clockwork

Quest summary:
A NPC currently residing somewhere in Othrano managed to get a hold of one of Sotha Sil's time-keeping devices. They've messed with it to the point they were able to turn back time for an hour, but with the result they are now stuck in a time loop, reliving the same hour over and over again.

This is an aura effect, not tied to the location but the NPC and those he interacts with.

Quest starters:

House Indoril: Hlaalu Charity questline

Quest summary:

Hlaalu Charity. These quests focus on a particular Hlaalu plot within the broader Thirr River Conflict wherein the Hlaalu are fostering drug abuse among the Velothi peasants in Indoril Aanthirin to destabilise the region. This questline may best be served from the perspective of a House Indoril questline.

Old questline description from the asset:

Kragenmoor: Battle of the Bards

An innkeeper in Kragenmoor wants you to end a petty feud between two bards at her tavern -- Moreth Helsim, a Dunmer, and Rajjma, a Khajiit.

The below description is quite detailed; the claimant should feel free to deviate from it to a large extent.

The claimant can also draw inspiration from the document by randonaut, which is attached to the claim, but are not required to do so. Certainly don't make the quest as complex as is depicted there.

Gospel of Saint Veloth (Take 4)

Well, I got a burst of inspiration today so decided to take a stab at my own version of the Gospel of Saint Veloth, which had been attempted three times before.

On the one hand I managed to finish my version, on the other hand its language ended up a good deal more esoteric and impenetrable than I had initially intended. As such, unless its indecipherable nature is judged to work to its benefit, this will probably require a lot of feedback and tweaking.


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