There had been preachers and portents, promising the most outrageous things and calling on ancestors which were not theirs. The city watch called their names and cut them down by their numbers, but their premonitions would not end.
The governor, "Reclusiarch" as his subjects had learned to call him, hid himself from the problems behind walls and wine, as he so often did, so nothing was done and nobody was called.
It would be really nice to have a broader range of native weapons, especially -- though not only -- low-tier weapons like chitin. Here's some Morrowind concept art to draw (no pun intended) from:
This might make an interesting glass spear or something:
Additions to the Telvanni Interior set to improve its versatility. I'll add more if I make more.
Current models: (2) Small room entry with side wall + mirrored version (vanilla just has center entry) (1) 128 unit long standard hall (vanilla just has 256 unit)