
No "price on your head" topic filter for Yggulf The Mute (TR_Hotfix)

Yngulf the Mute speaks the line that is innapropriate for his character (He's always silent and prefers to speak with gestures). The actual line should be "[Yggulf the Mute makes a cutting motion across his right eye.]". Having looked in CS, I noticed that this line is brought by TR_Hotfix.esp I downloaded from nexus.

Two issues with the Stone of Septimia Quest

1. Immediately after returning the stone of Septimia my character was detected yet the guards didn't acccost me for being in the off-limits museum.

2. When I spoke to the guards, they accused me of breaking the exhibit (AKA "Making a Scene" in the UESP quest notes). However, I did not resolve the quest in this manner.

Feladir shouldn't be a member of the thieves guild in "Find the Helnim Gang".

In the quest "Find the Helnim Gang", you can interrogate Feladir in his prison cell. He says he's a member of the thieves guild, when in fact he's a member of the Helnim gang and you're here to get the gang to join the thieves guild.

Edit: To clarify, he says "I'm in the guild" if you ask him his background. This may be a dialog line added by another mod for members of the thieves guild, but nevertheless he shouldn't be a member of the thieves guild.


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