
Almas Thirr Northmarker errors

Quite a few Almas Thirr interiors have northmarkers errors, I have decided to compile a list here to not clog the bugtracker too much. The ones I have found (besides the ones I reported seperately already) are:

Almas Thirr, Guild of Mages
Almas Thirr, Hetman Llothro's house
Almas Thirr, Anomoleth: Outfitter
Almas Thirr, Dockyard Warehouse
Almas Thirr, Revis Arano's House
Almas Thirr, Ralyn Velor's House
Almas Thirr, Danse Orani's House
Almas Thirr, Prison

The Dead Pilgrim Quest

In the quest The Dead Pilgrim, when discovering Sadryn Seles at the Infirmiry of St. Meris, the option to deceive Sadryn is available, even if the player does not meet the criteria. When the 3rd option is chosen, telling Sadryn you are his daughter Saveri, Sadryn will say he doesn't believe you. However, the journal entry will say that the player succesfully deceived him. 

The Path to the Almas Thirr Shrine

When doing the Pilgrimage to the Bloodstone Shrine with hurting feet, I initially missed the path that branches off the main road and was not sure how to reach the monastery. But since this pilgrimage is quite prominent, I would recommend to mark the path to the shrine a little better. It requires no extra road sign, just a few very small touches: 

- slightly sink the terrain where the path branches from the main road. This should already help to show that there's a well-trodden path. Now there's just a small ridge, and you barely expect that a path branches off the road here.

Typos in Teyn Mother-in-law quest

In topic "betrothed" for Geloise Marard: "I figured that she wouldn't worry anymore if she knew there was somebody else who looking after me." - should be "who was looking".

In topic "finally meet you" for Parnilla Marard: The choice text has "My name's is Ernald.". Should be just "My name is Ernald."

Same topic, later in the conversation "there's some much work to be done". Should be "there's so much work to be done".

Various Aanthirin ext issues (ferns, rocks)

There's some unresolved issues after the Aanthirin facelift merge that were discussed in the organization channel on Discord. mothpot has said he's working on some fixes, but in case they can't make it in time (edit: mothpot said they won't), I'm uploading the fixes for the issues that I found.

Probably best to merge only after mothpot's fixes. These fixes might possibly no longer be necessary after that, but I'll probably not be online for the final bugfixing push to check.


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