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[PI] Yongre Bat

The Yongre, known more commonly as the Yneslean Bat by those outside the Padomaic Isles, are considered one of the most vile creatures of the isles. Carnivorous, large, and responsible for several native species' extinction, the local government has reissued a "kill on sight" order this year, which marks the 146th year since the Imperials took hold of Yneslea.

[PI] Nahoka

A hostile lizard like creature unqiue to the Yneslean archipelago, Ynesai use their teeth, bones and hide to craft armor, weapons and other utilities for use. The Nahoka can puff up its neck flaps to appear larger and scare off predators or as a mating display for females. 

Art by Dharma. 

[PI] Paui Vine

Expanding on a Yneslea mesh pack by Remiro, which had the fruit modeled, but there were no meshes or designs for the actual plant.

Might have hanging and/or wrapping vine assets separate of the flower/fruit bearing part to be put on trees (see leftmost vine in the concept).


If kept, the original mesh, icon, and texture should be adjusted, since they appear to be a banana hue-swapped to be pink rather than the more specific fat chili-banana-looking thing in the picture.4

Concept art by Fluxbender.

[PI] Tang Mo Race

The Tang Mo are a simian people hailing from the Thousand Isles of furthest Akavir. Though their scattered homelands are almost antipodal from Tamriel, Tang Mo are the Akaviri most commonly seen in Padomaic ports due to their customs of peaceable exploration and trade.

Tang Mo generally have orange fur and blueish skin, and stand roughly the height of a Bosmer.

Attribute bonuses: Agility, Personality, Endurance

Attribute debuffs: Strength, Willpower

Skill bonuses: Mercantile, Speechcraft, Athletics, Spear, Alteration, Acrobatics


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