
tr_terrain_rocks_rm/rr fixes

Restored missing collision meshes and merged a bunch of unnecessary TriShapes in these 4 rocks:

tr\x\tr_terrain_rocks_rm_02.nif 10 -> 1 TriShape
tr\x\tr_terrain_rocks_rm_04.nif 7 -> 1 TriShape
tr\x\tr_terrain_rocks_rr_02.nif 10 -> 1 TriShape
tr\x\tr_terrain_rocks_rr_04.nif 7 -> 1 TriShape

(together these meshes account for over 80,000 wasted draw calls across TR_Mainland and TR_Preview o_o)

August 9th 2021 Data Edits

Some fixes and adjustments to make assets look a bit better.
Edit list:


- Aloe Vera. Made a slight downgrade version for SD Data, HD data will retain original asset


- Edit to Targe of the Blooded. Made wood brighter and shrunk the shield slightly



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