
Rescaled Dunmer tents

A re-scaling of the de_tents already in data due to their small size making cluttering difficult and being impossible for players to navigate.

Additionally fixes the missing collision on the bottom of the larger tent.

Credit to Cicero for the work.

Assorted Bellman script and typesetting fixes

Fixes to a number of Bellman scripts, to prevent the spawning of illegal papers and allow papers to be properly taken out of rotation.

Turns out variable values persist even if you StopScript a global script, which is a pain, but has now been dealt with.

Also corrected five Bellman entries that were missing a <br> somewhere.

General Texture Compression

Looking through the BSA, I noticed many of the textures were saved in A8R8G8B8 format or were uncompressed. I converted these textures to DXT1 or DXT5 as applicable. 
Book Art: 56 edited files. 49mb before, 13mb after
Textures - vanilla resolution. 102 files. 125mb before, 28mb after


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