
Very slight NIF changes

Just real tiny model changes based on complaints that I noticed on Discord. Currently there are two:

  • tr_furn_de_p_table_01 - carlmarks noticed that one of the table's legs was shorter than the others,
  • tr_ex_com_1plat_01a - Wilson reported that the PC would drop through the balcony at Firewatch.

I have tried pull requests on Github but I suck at Github, so I decided to put them on the site so they don't disappear on Discord.

Necrom Fane interior Collision

These meshes update add or update the fane interior pieces collision. The main room had very bad collision, the other parts didn't have collision. Now the main interior should be collision bug-free.

Didn't changed the models at all, just added the collision mesh trough nifskope and used the program to combine properties and shapes, so same texture parts are now 1 trishape. I did notice some doubled faces on the interior pieces and some z-fighting, but wasn't in the mood for a complete check. Ingame everything seems fine, maybe a bit high on the polycount.


Data fixes May 19th 2020

Fixes some minor things such as some textures for weapons that are atlased in SD data are too low res (this fix adds a slightly higher "low" res texture for the godsblood weapons and PC's Debaser).
Daedric Mezzanine still had an issue of it's collision mesh needed flipping.
Made several other adjustments such as weapon stats or some other stylisitc changes to some items (example cutlass of Archon) to fit the MW aestheitc better.


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