
Unusual animation for Chimeri-Quey female heads

While making another head variant for female CQ, I noticed that there is some movement of the mouth during the blinking animation on tr_b_chi_f_head_01.nif (and therefore, on my tr_b_chi_f_head_02.nif as well). It is fairly subtle but shouldn't be happening given that it does not occur on vanilla heads. I would have fixed it myself, but my knowledge of shapekey animations is currently limited.

Hole in Yashazmus, Shrine ceiling

while going through the yashazmus dungeon I found a hole in the cave ceiling in the yashazmus, shrine cell which I could just fly right through and into the void it can be found by coming in through the door from yashazmus, outer halls walking forward in a straight line till you have to turn then looking up at the two suspended daedric mist lantern thingies fly up to the right one with levitation walk along the lantern suspension arm called ex_dae_pillar_01 in the console till you're touching rock and look up and you should see it I've attached an image where I'm standing where I said to st

House Indoril banners

The House Indoril banners 01 and 03 have some issues:
01 - U is larger than the rest of the letters, should be changed to the other smaller variant
03 - the text says <devine> rather than <divine>; it would also be better if it were arranged in a straight line, as zig-zagging to this extent is not found elsewhere

See also: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/asset/suggestions-town-banner-systematiz...


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