

TR_Mainland.esm    ex_velothi_loaddoor_01    Almas Thirr, Plaza    3906    5101    11451    "check door mesh position"

TR_Mainland.esm    T_De_SetVeloth_X_LighthouseT_01    Almas Thirr (6,-28)    56600    -222453    1477    "fixposition"

note: there are more T_De_SetVeloth_X_LighthouseT_01 static positions wrong, use the right clik/info in the construction set and check all the references

[EDIT] more position problems

Boethiah's Walking Stick floating below the floor in Oran Manor servant's quarters

There's a copy of Boethiah's Walking Stick, a unique item from vanilla, floating under the floor in the cell Oran Plantation, Oran Manor: Servant's Quarters. It's close enough to the interior space that it's visible on the minimap with Thief's Moral Compass equipped.

Roth Roryn bug

Caspering rock near the observatory:

Content file: 8 [TR_RorynsBluff_0232.esp]
RefNum: 112260
RefID: t_mw_terrrockrm_mtpeak_01
Memory address: 000001518D95C2A0
Cell: Mvelthngth-Schel
Grid: -13 -21
Coordinates: -99206.1 -171936 3517.36
Model: meshes\tr\x\tr_terr_rm_mtpeak_01.nif


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