
A few fairly small issues

Bugs noticed:

* The Andothren temple donation box does not work when using a gold weight mod.
* As part of the Andothren Thieves Guild quest, the ex Tong member you go to question at the St Aralor monastery's dialogue is broken: without editing, he won't give anything useful with "code of silence".
* NPC TR_m2_Arodreth in Akamora has a very weird bug for me: nothing is selectable in the cell he is in. I had to remove him in the CS.

Dreugh set piece issue

Liliana discovered an issue in a Dreugh set piece, T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoom_03 . The top hole dosent line up with T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoomEntranc_01 and shows a small gap at one point on the perimeter. The entrance piece lines up with other room pieces fine, so my assumption is that the T_Glb_DngDreu_I_SRoom_03 has a mesh issue around the top.

Agarinnu in Volendaryon gives quest but doesn't talk to vampires

If the player is a vampire, they are able to start and complete the "A Man in the Crystal" quest for Agarinnu in Volenfaryon. Upon completing the quest, the player is able to talk with Agarinnu until the dialogue box is closed. However, attempting to talk to her again results in the standard "I don't fear you" line and the start of combat.

Neither of the other mabrigash there will talk to vampires.

LeFemm Gold Armor Overpowered?

I noticed that a completed version of the gold armor from the LeFemm armor plugin has been included in TR_Data with identical stats to the version from the plugin. This armor set has an armor rating of 60 making it by far the best medium armor in the game (better than stalhrim and royal guard armor) despite the fact that the armor is intended to be "skimpy". It is only a fraction of the price of royal guard armor and is on-par with ebony with less than half the weight of ebony.


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