
Indal-ruhn Issues

Various northmarker errors:

Indal-ruhn, Pjerulf's Shack
Indal-ruhn, Doval Rarayn's House
Indal-ruhn, Daros Andran's Shack
Indal-ruhn, Enar Draav's Shack
Indal-ruhn, Ienas Urelen's Shack
Indal-ruhn, Dromavu Llarno's Shack

There are also various crates, barrels and miscs throughout town that are unowned - outside Doval Rarayn's House, at the waterfront, on the boats etc. There is also a skooma barrel which debatably shouldn't be sat in the open in the middle of town, and which is unowned either way.

"Temple: A Troublesome Orc" quest bug

"Temple: A Troublesome Orc" quest is stuck when first book handled to Ravur Othravel is "Arithmetics for Barbarians" without "Geometry for Barbarians" in inventory.
After that, having "Geometry..." is not triggering next step. This is probably because presence of "Geometry..." is not checked as variable for this NPC.


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