
Small Aimrah Issues

There is a floating fern just outside town, pic attached.

The northmarker for Aimrah, The Sailors' Inn needs to be fixed.

Paruddma, Hold has no ownership. (there is also a bottle of mazte in the cabin that lacks ownership, worth a fix alongside this)

Belated Justice - Belisatha Mede's dialogue loops depending on disposition

When clicking through Belisatha Mede's court proceeding dialogue for General Casik's case, at least for the "he's innocent" approach, the dialogue loop back to the beginning if her disposition is too low (I think one of the dialogue conditions requires at least 60 disposition, another over 70, so if you don't have that, it skips that choice in the dialogue order and goes to the next one, which happens to be back at the beginning).  


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