2021-03-28 Meeting Summary - DoD exteriors MVP


Proposed Agenda


  • Hotfix: Anything more that needs to be fixed?

Dominions of Dust

  • MVP planning for exterior/interiors.

Other Release Things

Tamriel Data

  • Discussing cross-province armor and weapon stats


  • Work to be done on the unified wiki for PT and TR
  • Handbook structural revisal

Preparing Template Meeting

  • Anything anytime soon? Faction/Region?

Meeting Summary


Another fix was added (to the Daedroth providing travel service out of Khalaan).

Minimum Viable Product: Dominions of Dust Exteriors



Roryn's Bluff

Sectionwide reworks started on March 28, main thread here: https://www.tamriel-rebuilt.org/forum/roryns-bluff-overhaul

[MVP] Finish the flora overhaul in the RB section

[MVP] Bodrem and Teyn redos

[MVP] Replace the dirt road that crosses through the Ascadian Bluffs with a main road texture

[MVP] Terrain overhaul: cliff and rock culling

[MVP] Make the RR AA border not grazelands 2 (post section merge)

Armun Ashlands

[MVP] Finish the southern part of the AA bowl

[MVP] AA needs a thorough bugcheck

[Optional] Cicero is currently working on the AA-OW border transition

Southern Velothi Mountains

[MVP] Finish exterior development in the SVM section


[Optional] Review and merge Charger's work on the ITO

Minimum Viable Product: Dominions of Dust Interiors


[MVP] Interiors need a lighting check, Mark volunteered for the task

Roryn’s Bluff

[MVP] Vern is doing a thorough interior survey - fixes can be done during regular section work, some new claims might be needed

Armun Ashlands

[MVP] Vern is doing a thorough interior survey - fixes can be done during regular section work, some new claims might be needed

Southern Velothi Mountains

[MVP] New claims might be needed as exterior work progresses

Future Releases

A lot of shuffling was done on the agenda for the next meeting. 

In particular, dates and times need to be set for the following discussions:

  • Imperial Cult Template Meeting
  • City Renaming 2021

Cross-Province Armor

Jacktime Wackimer has created a first spreadsheet for armors.


A version without scripts (for LibreOffice users) is here: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186227908510089217/825831115901108274/compatible_version.ods